Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Splash for Hull.

This is the lay out of the Splash.  It was writen down onto the hull so who ever is working on it they can have a look incase they forget.           

we got the measurements on the splash an we transfered in onto the final peace.
this is a photo of the layout.
Here were spreading the polyester, we had to wear resperators due to the strong fumes and also to wear safety glasses incase in goes into ur eyes.

Glassing the Hull ( outside )

Were getting ready to glass the Fp on the hull. Taz is vacuming all the dust off the hull before we go on.                            

here im sanding the bow of the boat to get it fair.

Dry fitting the glass before moveing on and all the vacum tape has been put on. Were useing EDB-400 for the outside of the hull.

Dry Fitting glass.

Photo of me getting the glass on with rollers.        

We had around 5 people working on getting the glass down while we had 1 person mixing the resin for it. we Taz is working on getting the edges of the glass down while were getting putting on the resin on the glass.

Photo of us putting the resin onto the glass.      

Once all the glass was done and all our peel ply, perft plasic, mesh was down we put on the vacum bag and you can see us working on putting so darts in the bag.                                                       

Selaing the hull ( with normal resin )

As there was not enough wood sealer to go around for the hull Chris ( tutor ) made desision to seal it with normal resin. We used about 20 pumps on resin for the hull.  I recored the pumps just so we know how many we used. The resin was spread around by rollers as it was much easier to do so. In the photo below it shows how we did it. At the point where chris is pointing he was telling us that we didnt put on enough resin and it was abit dry so we had to go over it again. The resin socked into the seeder so we had to put on abit of resin in order to get the proper seal.             

In this photo were almost done sealing the hull, Taz is working on the final part at the Fp. we stopped around 400mm from the fp with the seal.

Chain Plates

I and Chris ( american chris haha ) were working on getting the positon of the chain plates in place. As you can see on this photo we found out where they had to go and than we cut out the foam at that place. We went as far as we could getting the foam out but we Stopped  before hitting the glass.

Once the foam was out we started to mix the glue and started to put it onto the glass where the chain plates will go.The glue had to be thick enough so it dose not slide down off the glass.                     

here is a photo of us putting the glue on              

Once everything was done we got the Glass plates into positon and was held into place by the blocks which were gently screwed onto the foam ( the screws were short enough so they dont go into the glass ). We also put down mdf wood intop of the plates just so the blocks can rest on it and give us more hold when the screws went on.                                    

Fairing Hull/Back filling

this photo here is of the hull once we flipped it over we had some help from the guys in the other class in order to have enough hands to flip it over.

we put the hull into the hot box and we were getting ready to fair it. There was not 2 much fairing to do because most of the boat was already fair.

here is a photo of the center case  before it was cut into position

working on the transom cutting off the planking on the back so it comes flush with the ap                                                  

here is a photo of me planeing the hull takeing all the glue bumps off and also getting it as much fair as possible before we started to do sanding

this photo here was taken once all of the sanding and planeing was done. as you can see Richard is feeling the hull with his hand if its fair.

once the center case was cut to shape and flush with the hull

once all the fairing was done on the hull we back filled, just to get all of the gaps closed that were on hull.                         

Monday, July 4, 2011

Group Work Task 2

Group work Task 2.

In this video were doing non-verbal communication skill for poerfolio task 2.

in the video we have, Harrion , Jade  and Me

Group Work.

For our Portfolio we had 4 group members: Taz,Jade,Harrison and Goran(me).
Each one of us had there own tasks we had to work on.

Task 1=Harrison
Task 2=Goran
Task 3=Taz
Task 4= All group members solo work
Task 5=Jade

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Achievement/work record

Steps on how to establish a portfolio of achievement/work record.

In order to keep work record you will need to know what your doing on each day and takeing down information on what you did.
To do so you will need to take records by takeing Photos or Videos.
Once you have taken photos/videos create your self account on Blogger/Buz/Google Doc any of those will do it. Than you can insert the infortation you got on each day/week and keep uploading it.
Like this you have the records on what you did on a day to day/week scale, than you will have the opportunity to look back and relate to other work you have been doing on how long it mite of taken you or just to refresh your memmory on how to do it.

The Steps you need to take in order to establish your work record:

  1. Create yourself Gmail Account.
  2. Search up "blogger" on google search
  3. Sign in with your Gmail account in Blogger
  4. Click on "Dashboard"
  5. click on "new post" (this will let you create blog)
  6. "title" enter the name of your subject, Eg: Title: Getting started
  7. Start writeing you blog
  8. to insert images click the icon that looks like a photo frame
  9. click on "upload"
  10. Click on "Browse" in order to find where your images are on the computer.
  11. Select you images
  12. Click on "publish post" when your done.

Word Processing Programme

Steps on how to open Microsoft Works Word Processor/Save/retrive and print

  1. Click on "start"
  2. Click "All Programs"
  3. Click "Microsoft Works"
  4. Open "Microsoft Works Word Processor"

To Save Work:

  1. Once finished with your work click on "file"
  2. Select "save as.."
  3. "save in" where you would like to save your file. eg: Desktop.
  4. Enter File Name.
  5. Click on "save"

To Retrive File:

  1. Click "File" top right corner
  2. Click "Open"
  3. Click on "Look In" ( where you have saved you work ) can be Desktop/My Computer ect..
  4. Select folder
  5. Enter the "file name"
  6. Click "open"

To Print:

  1. Click "file"
  2. Select "print"
  3. Select printer name "Name"
  4. "Copies"
  5. Select your paper size A4,A3,A2 ect...
  6. Click "OK"

Sending Email

Steps to send email:
  1. Open Internet
  2. Search Bar
  3. Go on you Emails website eg:
  4. Log in on your account or create account.
  5. Once logged in click on "new(write a new message)"
  6. "to"= enter email account of the sender eg:
  7. "subject:"
  8. Write the letter
  9. Final Step click "send"

To recive email:
  1. Log into you email account
  2. click on "inbox"
  3. If the mail is highlighted means you have not opened it.
  4. click the email highlighted
  5. Final step read it

Trade-related article

This article is about a family who ran boat-building business Called C.Blunt Boat Builder.
It is like a history about how they started their family business and what obstacles they faced and how they solved them until they became famous and is now a tourist attraction.

The obtacles they can face can be that some of there family members might not want to continue the boat-building company and  lose there interest on boat-building. The way they can solve this problem could be to send there kids into technology based school in order to keep there intrerest in the trade world.

the other obtacle they might face is that working with family is more different to working with other people and its much more easier to argue. The way they can fix this is by probably working on different parts in the workshop or keep there cool and respect towards each other.


Cv Cover Letter

Dear Sir,

I am graduate from UniTec's Certificate in applied technology(boat building) writeing letter to apply for the boat building job vacancy provided by your company.

Graduated from Auckland Boys Grammar School, I have complited NCEA level 1 and level 2, studied in Furniture design. Huge interest towards disign and technology was developed since then and further boat-building related skills were learnt throughout the certificate course. The Applied Technology course was very all-rounded, not only did we learn about basic boat-building skills, we also learnt about how the boat building indusrty works and had the chance to familiar outselves with different computer programs that facilitate the boat-building process, such as AutoCad and OpenProj

I am very hardworking and always willing to learn. I really enjoy the process of boat-building and find great pleasure in it. Being a great team player, coperating will others is difinitely not a problem. Building a career in boat-building is my goal and I will try my best in perusing it.

Thanks for your time and I'll be more than grateful if an interview opportunity can be granted.

Your Sincerely,
Goran S

Student Portfolio. ( cv-formal letter )

Monday, June 6, 2011

Learning Outcome from BLOG

When i first started the cource my spelling was poor and i'm glad to say that when i started to use blog my spelling has inproved and also the way i lay out my words.

The other learning outcome of blog i had is that you can see what others are posting and if you have any questiong you can contact people which had the same problem as you an ask them how they fixed it.

Work over the last few weeks. part 2

B/h after the glass plates were places on and the carbon.

 female hold for the blister/cabin so when flipped over it can rest on it.                                                           

B/h Stn 11. and the gunnel into place just to see if they fit.

makeing table for when the deck is flipped over it can rest on it. made from 3 ladders and they were screwed into a mdf wood.

we used lasar in order to get all the highs for the legs of the ladders so they can be the same high and in the same angle.

chris was showing Eron and Harrison how to do the lamination of the transom.

a mess ive spotted in the workshop             

and after the cleaning up how it looked just to make the place more safe since we had an complain about the work area not being clean. Ive cleaned it up by moveing the scrap wood away from there and placeing it nice an neatly on the side and also the table was in a mess also cleaned it to make it nice and tidy

also moved away the hose so no 1 can slip and fall over.

the table for the deck and also the mold for the blister.

trying to get the blister free in order to flip the deck and blister over.

And the Deck and Blister are finally done and Flipped over now its tide to get sanding and glassing the inside.