Thursday, May 19, 2011

Work over the Holidays on Cabbon Top.


(1a top view)










While everyone was on there holiday enjoying their beer haha, Chris and Me where working on getting the cabbon top ready for glassing by the time everyone gets back on Monday the 23rd.

We were working on the cabbon top and were planking it. We used 100 Density Foam for it and had to fit it in place over the frames.
The angle of the frames had a big curve on the Fp so we had to bend the foam.
In order for us to bend the foam we had to sand it for a bevel and also give it an angle where it finishes.
I had some problems at the start when i started to get the angle of the Bevel but Chris gave me some tips and i was getting better as i was going along.

To hold foam onto the framers Chris come up with idea to make an mold around to push them into the frames while the appoxy is getting hard so they can stay in shape as you can see on Photo (4).

Our goal was to get the whole cabbon top done so we can get it glassed on Monday.