Wednesday, March 30, 2011

nose cone for stem

the last few days at uni ive been working on makeing the nose cone for the stem.
In order to get the nose cone ready first you have to get lofting done with all the correct measurements. I did this by going on AutoCad and also measureing from the boat itself.

The process for the nose cone is kinda difficult when its you first time doing it.
After the lofting was done you had to figger out and Radious to connect port side with staboard.

after you find out the radious you have to transfer the radious 8mm out, than you have to find out the points where it meets an also to leave exta bits longer on the end. Getting the angles from each side was not to hard because all you had to do is draw a line down than find out the distance on that point from the CL to the Fp and you will get your angle.

Than its time to get ready the Jig, i had to think about how i will get the jig done Male or Female. Once you think about the jig than its out to find the wood for it, i just used off cuts that we had from left over timber to make the jig, when the wood is ready than its time to transfer the lofting of the radious onto the wood and cut it out on the bansaw an also on the sander to get the correct curve onto it.

Cutting out the foam for the jig.

I had to cut out about 12 peaces of foam which were around 450mm by 13mm. When the foam was all cut up an ready i dry fitted it into place to see if it looks good than it was time to mix the glue and fit the foam onto the jig.

Photos From The Week & Nose Cone


  1. Goran, A good start to this blog. Now can you add some text to explain the photos of the nosecone?


  2. sure i'll write commant under my photos when i upload more.

