Monday, November 22, 2010

Sanding Inside of Boat

Today me and Harison were sanding the inside of the boat.
Sanding glue takes alot of time, so to make sure you dont waste 2 much time on sanding you have to clean up after yourself when glueing.

We were useing 60 grit paper for the sanding, and we were sanding with the grain of the wood. Sanding the bottom took around 2 hours work ( beacause we didnt clean the clue up very well when glueing ).

I had some problems while sanding around the stem because i couldnt get the sanding paper inside the gaps next to the stem. i fixed the problem by attaching a small sanding paper on a peace of wood which will fit.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Today. I was filling in the holes made by the screws with glue,
Once i mixed the glue i was starting to fill the holes, all the holes were closed with airpocket inside them because they were going into the skegs to pull the skegs down while glueing.

A good technique i saw Chris showing me was to use a nail and press the glue into the holes so it will push down the glue into the airpocket which the  air will come out and there wont be any pressure into the wood without any airpockets.

Also we were trying to fit the B/Head into place and see where we have to glue it in. The problem we had fitting the B/Head into place was that it didnt line up into the correct possition we expected in to. We had to think about this for few mins before dry testing it. The Solution we come up with was same as the other team, which was to place a wood just behind the B/Head so it will push out the distance between the Starboard and Port sides and let the B/Head slide into place then remove it once the B/Head was glued into place.

Glueing of the Gunnle

Also on the 16th, we were glueing on the Gunnles,

Makeing the glue: in order to glue the gunnle the glue we were mixing had to the thick and not watery, the reason for that is because the gunnles are on the sides and if you put running glue it will jst slide of the gunnle while if you place on thicker glue it will stick and not slip of it while putting into place.

Once the glue was fixed we had to put on the glue really fast onto the gunnles befor it gets dryed up.
When we spread out the glue onto the gunnle we had some problems putting it into place because every time we tryed to place it onto the Quater it kept slideing.

The solution to this was to screw it into place starting from the Stem working all the way down to the Transom and also clamping it along the way so the glue will squeeze out.

After the Port side gunnle was all glued into place we moved on to glue the Starboard side.
We were abit short on man power once we started glueing on the Starboard gunnle so some of the other teams helped us out ( thanks to them we finished the job haha ).
Once we started to glue the gunnle we got the same measurements from the Port side gunnle so they would both looks the same and fair.

Planeing Skegs

On the 16th i was planeing the skegs into size so they can fit on the bottom of the boat. While planeing i run into  a problem that my plane wasnt sharp so i had to fix it up.

Once the plane wasnt blunt i went back to planeing, the planeing of the skegs wasnt to bad it took some time but getting the measurements on the line to plane to was abit hard.

The way we found out to get the measurements of the curve of the bottom was to place the skeg onto the bottom then run a pencil down the skeg which will give u a line to plane on and also the curve its suppose to be on.
Wednesday we were sanding the bottom of the boat and the skegs ready to turn over the boat. Chris give us some tips on how to hold the sanding blocks in order not to make dammage for the wood.
The tips he give us were:
1: sand with the grain darection
2: makesure the blocks that have the sanding paper are clean and dont have any lumps on them.
3: how to hold the sanding paper so sand the skegs without dammageing the bottom.

The sanding of the skegs and the bottom took us about 1 hour +,
I also found out that sanding glue takes long time, so for next time were glueing we have to clean up the glue before it gets dry.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


On Tuesday, Me and Harrison were lineing up the transom only the bottom and trying to get it glued by the end of the day.

The Transon  had to be on a 10 dagree angle to the station.
Getting the 10 dagree angle was abit of thinkin to do before we can line it up to the station with the correct measurements.
Once we found out the angle for the transom we put some rails to keep the angle into place and to reinforce the holding of the transon.

Before the glueing proccess took place i had to bevel the fassion peaces on the transom in order to fit with the bottom. the beveling proccess took me about 30mins to do, the reason why it took me so long was because its my 1st time beveling transon and i did not want to make any mistakes on it.

After the beveling was done on the transom we places it back into place and dry clamped it down to see how the joints looks like. Once the joints looks good we drilled some screws into the bottom of the boat to connect it to the tanson before glueing. Once we did that we started to glue the transom onto the bottom and the proccess of the glue to glue takes around 24 hours to come to full affect.


On Monday i was planeing the Bottom and the Transom. Everything went well there was no mistakes with my planeing. But i run across a small problem that the plane was not sharp, so i had to sharpen the plane on the oil stone before getting on with my work.
In order to get a job job out of ur planeing make sure ur plane is sharp and that u take 1 whole stroke out of the wood when ur planeing at a time, also move you body with the direction of the planeing not to be reaching out with ur hands from behind the wood.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sanding The Bottom and the Transom

Today me and Taz have been sending the Bottom of the boat.
Before you start sanding make sure the table that your work is on is CLEAN! and no way to damage your work. 
In order to get an successful sanding you have to sand with the direction of the grain, other ways you would get scratch marks on you wood, also make sure you use a block of wood with an sand paper on it to keep it leveled and straight so there wont be any bumps. For eg: if your sanding with the sand paper in your hands( without block of wood) the gaps on your fingers would make it hard to get it leveled.


The way that I understand having a strong team is by:

1. To have an good team you must work with people you can trust
2. The team to give support to each other and have high spirit
3. Must be keeping up to the timetable
4. The work to be done in a high standard level
5. If some one is falling behind give them a hand to catch them up
6. Every one to be at the workshop on time to late and not missing days out
7. Team work is the most important
8. Finish the project...

Scarfing the Bottom & Gluing

On the 26th October, I was scarfing the Bottom Part of the boat.
Scarfing is easy once you get used to it, but i run into few problems while i was scarfing.
Problem No.1: I didn't clamp the wood properly on the table from all sides, the Solution to that was, I asked the other teams if they can describe to me about the clamping and how they did it.

Problem No.2: The plane wasn't sharp so it didn't cut properly, Solution: make the plane Sharpe.

Once the bottom peaces have been scarfed it was time to get it glued. The proses for the glue to set it takes 1 whole day. When i was gluing  i found out that i didn't use the proper wood to press pressure with. i used MDF. The MDF its a soft timber which will absorb the pressure im putting on,Also that i didn't leave any space to see the joint gluing   which made it hard to tell if the joint is in the correct place. The Solution to these problems were: I asked other teams about what wood to use and they told me ( pine wood ) which is much stronger then MDF. And to also to leave little bit of space where the joint is gluing so we can see if the joint is in the proper place.